Privacy Policy

This document serves as a comprehensive guide to how Primacart ("the Platform," "we," "our") gathers, processes, and shares your personal details when you engage with ("the Platform"), utilize our offerings, or conduct transactions, and in your other interactions with us, collectively termed as "the Services." Herein, "you" and "your" refer to individuals engaging with the Services, encompassing consumers, visitors to our site, or any person whose data we acquire as per this policy.

We encourage a thorough review of this guide. Engaging with the Services signifies your consent to our handling of your data as detailed herein. If you find these terms unacceptable, we advise against utilizing the Services.

Revisions to This Document

We reserve the right to modify this document as needed to reflect updates in our procedures or due to operational, legal, or regulatory changes. Any modifications will be communicated on the Platform, with the "Last updated" date revised accordingly, and we will adhere to all requisite legal notifications.

Collection and Application of Data

In our provision of the Services, we collect and have collected data from a range of sources over the last year, as detailed herein. The nature and extent of the data we collect depend on your interactions with us.

In addition to the uses specified here, your data may be utilized for communication, service provision, legal compliance, service terms enforcement, and the protection of the Services, our rights, and those of our users.

Data Collection

The specifics of the personal data we collect vary based on your interactions with our Website and Services. The term "personal data" refers to information that can identify you or is linked to you. The categories and specific instances of the data we collect are outlined below.

Provided Data

You may share information with us through various means within our Services, including but not limited to:

  • Your contact information such as name, address, email, and phone number.
  • Details of transactions including payment and shipping information.
  • Account details like usernames and passwords.
  • Your activity on our site, including viewed items and those added to your cart or wishlist.
  • Interactions with our customer service team.

Some Service functionalities may necessitate specific information from you, with a refusal potentially limiting access to certain features.

Automated Collection

We automatically collect certain information related to your use of the Services through cookies and similar technologies, capturing details about your device, browser, and interactions with the Services.

External Data Sources

We may also receive data about you from external entities, including:

  • Third-party providers such as Shopify.
  • Payment processors that manage transactional details.
  • Third parties employing tracking technologies for analytics and advertising purposes on our behalf.

Data from these sources is managed in line with this document. We bear no responsibility for the accuracy of third-party data or their practices.

Data Usage

We employ your personal information for various purposes, including but not limited to:

  • Fulfilling and managing Service provisions, such as order processing and account management.
  • Marketing and promotional endeavors.
  • Implementing security measures and preventing fraud.
  • Enhancing communication and Service quality.


Our Website employs Cookies to enhance functionality, perform analytics, and tailor advertising to your preferences. You can manage Cookie settings through your browser, though blocking them may impact your Service experience.

Data Sharing

Under specific conditions outlined in this document, your personal data may be shared with third parties, such as:

  • Providers offering services on our behalf.
  • Partners in business and marketing for service delivery and promotional activities.
  • At your direction or with your explicit consent.
  • Within our corporate group for business operations.
  • In legal, transactional, or security-related scenarios.

We have shared specific personal data categories with third parties in the past year for the purposes outlined in this document.

Public Content

The Services may allow you to publish content publicly. Be mindful that any such content can be accessed by others, and we do not oversee the privacy or security of this information.

External Platforms

Our Website may contain links to third-party platforms. It's advisable to review their privacy policies as we do not control these platforms and are not accountable for their content or privacy practices.

Data Protection and Retention

While we strive for the utmost protection of your data, no system can guarantee complete security. The retention period for your data is influenced by various factors, including account activity and legal obligations.

Your Privacy Rights

Depending on your location, you may have specific rights regarding your personal data, including access, deletion, and correction rights, subject to legal limitations.

International Data Processing

Your data may be processed outside your home country, including in the U.S. We ensure appropriate safeguards are in place for such data transfers.

Inquiries and Contact

For questions regarding this document, to exercise your rights, or for any other concerns, please contact us using the provided information.